Peter Mutharika is either totally captured or totally senile ( not conscious to know what is going on)
The Malawi economy has been failing to breathe for a long time and being the CEO of the country, anyone in their right frame of mind can never do things that worsens the conditions of the establishment they lead, unless they are a spy for a foreign agent or power.
Now it is difficult to believe that APM is any spy of any foreign power because no competent foreign power can hire someone so accomplished in incompentence as its agent: APM is beyond incompetent.
Granted that he is who he claims he is , an American practiced law professor, that also potentially starts to undermine the rigour and cognitive acumen of the purpoted system, but that is neither here nor there.
Given the above assumed credentials of APM, one would expect him to know that the job of president of a country is to be the CEO of that country.
Now to effectively run a country, means to effectively manage the economy.
One cannot achieve that by poisoning the very assets and activities that contribute or constitute the running of a healthy economy: the private sector that creates business opportunities for other businesses, creates jobs that give citizens their livelihood, creates new innovations through investment in new products and technologies and most importantly creates wealth for the national treasury through the payment of taxes.
Private sector development is encalpusulated in the discourse above.
It has always been touted as the engine for growth; actually truth be told, the private sector is everything about the economy because government does not produce tangible goods, it simply provides the facilitation for a conducive environment for businesses to thrive: importing goods to compete with a country’s core industries by the President of a country is not only a total lack of appreciation on how an economy runs, hence counter intuitive, it also sends wrong signals to investors and puts them off.
This is how: if one was La Farge or Cement Products Ltd or Akshar Cement; why should they invest in more capacity in their Malawi operations when they know that the President will at any time pull the rug under their feet and import the same products they make and make their business suffocate.
For the would be (potential) investors like Dangote in Zambia and PPC in Zimbabwe ( the big cement guys across the borders ) they see two things : why invest in Malawi when the leadership, up to the very top, are importing cement from me anyway; secondly if I invest in Malawi will they not do to me what they are doing with the incumbent local industries (mluzu wa galu ndi umodzi).
If there was one key reason to push the private sector captains to understand why this government must go, this is the most potent example of why businesses in Malawi can’t breathe, the economy is in dire straits and shambles and our children are killing each other, almost, in stampedes seeking for phantom jobs, because APM and his cabal have exported their jobs.
When one sees all these leadership acts of blunders; that in themselves are counter intuitive to running a country effectively, one starts to see clearly how the promises in the Tonse Alliance Manifesto like a Million jobs, K4,495.00 per 50kg bag of fertilizer, three meals a day et al are realistically attainable