The Management and the Editorial team would like to extend its profound and sincere apology to Mr. Abdullah Master, proprietor of Worldwide Group of Companies for the damage caused to his reputation and image to the public through an article that was published without comprehensive facts which undeniably had the effect of incorrectly and unjustifiably portrayed him as a conniver in shady deals with certain government officials both in the previous and current administration.
The editorial team after receiving a complaint from the Lawyer of Mr Abdullah Master and made a polite request to management to make a comprehensive inquiry into the land swap transaction has been amazed with a enormous information on the transaction which was being kept secret by Government but shows that the negotiations on the transaction took place for a period of 2 years and involved professionals and technical persons from GoM, MoHA, MPS, MOJ, MPS, Ministry of Justice and Housing Dept.
The initial proposal on the transaction emanated from Government in 2011 by way of invitation to the public to express interest MITC.
A Chinese company was first to express interest but later dropped off. It is Worldwide Wide Construction Ltd that demonstrated interest, ability to listen and accommodate MPS on their requirements in respect of standards and specifications.
The fact that the negotiations took very long is in itself indicative that there were no shortcuts in the process and Government used its skills to get the best out of the transaction. With the facts now available management is now better enlightened to the degree of minimal or no doubt that the details in the story were distorted, incorrect, misleading and malicious and as such it is likely that the story caused harm to Mr. A Master, shareholders and Directors of Worldwide Construction Ltd.
The editorial team is regretful that the published story does not represent the real moral stature as an individual and family man.
We sincerely regret the inconvenience the story has caused to him, his family and fellow business colleagues. In order to mitigate the damage and in the interest of ensuring that general public is informed of the correct and true facts, management shall on the basis of comprehensive facts gathered re-publish the story.