Thursday, June 27, 2024


Must Read
Dr Kabambe interacts with Kalua at Namitete Police Station

Former Reserve Bank Governor Dr Dalitso Kabambe, on Friday, 21st June 2024, visited Member of Parliament for Rumphi East, Hon. Kamlepo Kalua, who is in police custody at Namitete Police station in Lilongwe, to offer him moral support in this challenging time.

Kalua was picked up by Police early Friday morning in Blantyre on charges that are yet to be formally communicated to him.

Dr Kabambe expressed his solidarity with Kamlepo, stating that he wanted to show his support for a fellow politician and friend who is facing difficult circumstances.

Dr Kabambe interacts with Kalua son’s Penjani popularly known as Fredokiss

He said; “Honourable Kalua is one of the people that I respect in this country, from the time he was fighting for multiparty democracy to now. I have worked with him during my time as Reserve Bank Governor on many occasions as a member of the Public Accounts Committee and the Budget and Finance Committee of Parliament, where we used to interact on regular basis. I therefore saw the importance of standing together with him during this time of adversity.”

During his visit, Dr. Kabambe spoke to Kamlepo and assured him that he was not alone in his struggles. He encouraged Kamlepo to stay strong and to continue fighting for justice and accountability in the political arena. Dr Kabambe also comforted Fred Kalua (Fredokiss) and other family members who were at the police station visiting Hon Kamlepo Kalua.

In a related development, the Police have also arrested human rights activist Bon Kalindo. The two are expected to appear in court on Monday.

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