Friday, October 18, 2024

LABOURER DR. DAVID F MBEWE WEEPS: Laments suffering of Malawian Women in Mother’s Day Message

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DR MBEWE: Mothers are failing to fend for their families

President for Freedom of Worship and Economic Liberation (FOWEL) Dr. David F Mbewe has called upon all the mothers of Malawi to rise up and hold the Tonse alliance government accountable because the administration has failed Malawians including all Mothers.

In a Mother’s Day statement, Dr. Mbewe said policies under the Tonse administration have brought suffering to mothers of Malawi.

He therefore challenged President Lazarus and his Vice Saulos Chilima to take lead in changing the lives of Malawians saying the country’s economic crisis is almost unprecedented in its severity.

“Sons and Daughters who were supposed to bring joy to their Mothers, have instead brought pain and suffering to the Mothers of Malawi, ” reads the statement.

“Malawi today, has subjected our Mothers to 19 hours of darkness due to the so called “prolonged load-shedding”, says Mbewe.

He laments that our Mothers are failing to fend for their families because food prices keep soaring and time is being spent on long fuel queues.

Mbewe says mothers that are doing business are languishing, because their businesses have collapsed. Those involved in cross boarder business can’t transact anymore because the country has no forex.

The statement calls on President Lazarus Chakwera as a God fearing person, to take lead in changing the lives of suffering Mothers.

He then calls on President Chakwera and his Vice Saulos Chilima must step aside as Presidents for their respective parties and concentrate on managing the affairs of the country without promoting partisan interests.

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