Tuesday, June 25, 2024

EASTER MESSAGE: Dr. Kabambe encourages Malawians to hold onto their faith, insists better days are ahead

Former Reserve Bank of Malawi (RBM) Governor Dr. Dalitso Kabambe and his spouse Brigitte have encouraged Malawians to keep their faith in God amidst economic crisis, saying better days are coming. The patriotic...

DPP MP Lipipa calls on government to take decisive action to rein in public expenditure

The DPP Member of Parliament for Blantyre City South Constituency Noel Lipipa, has called on the government to take decisive action to rein in public expenditure, which he believes could include phasing...

MCP nominates Chakwera as Tonse Alliance running mate in 2025

One of the main partners in the Tonse Alliance government, the Malawi Congress Party (MCP) has nominated President Lazarus Chakwera as running mate to the Alliance's torchbearer for the 2025 General elections...

Chithyola’s Headache: Cautioned to contain debt, spending appetite as bank sees hope for Malawi

Finance Minister Simplex Chithyola has his work cut out for him; he must reduce government’s borrowing appetite and reign in expenditure controls if the ambitious economic growth targets of 3.2 percent to...

“Don’t believe in hacking narrative, its MCP IT gurus putting Malawians at ransom on Passport crisis”

The Centre for Democracy and Economic Development Initiatives (CDEDI) has told Malawians not to believe in President Lazarus Chakwera’s narrative that hackers are demanding a ransom to recover the passport printing system...

REMEMBERING CHILEMBWE: Dr Kabambe says it is the cause not the death that makes a difference”

Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) presidential aspirant Dr. Dalitso Kabambe has joined Malawians in celebrating the life of selfless freedom fighter Rev John Chilembwe. In a qoute posted on his official facebook page Kabambe...

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Cabinet opts for violence during campaign: Atupele endorses idea

The Malawi Cabinet has resolved to use violence in the upcoming campaign for the fresh presidential elections scheduled for 2nd July 2020. We can reveal that this was agreed on Thursday in a...

APM SOLD A DUMMY: Told there will be no elections, President in jovial mood

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The End of DPP is Nigh: UDF Going back into Power

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DPP plans to burn UTM vehicles in Lhomwe belt

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Ministers Mhango, Botomani Lied on Allowances

Malawi government cabinet Ministers Jappie Mhango and Mark Botomani lied to the people of Malawi that top government officials including Cabinet Ministers do not get allowances when on duty for COVID-19 activities. When...

Does Mutharika’s security aide Chisale know what we don’t know?-By Patseni Mauka

Malawi’s caretaker President Peter Mutharika’s security aide Norman Chisale is a man on a mission. Chisale’s official designation is Director of Security of State Residences but his actions and what statehouse sources...

First Lady, Jane Ansah click…Mrs Mutharika visits ailing mother of Ansah

Although beleaguered Malawi Electoral Commission (MEC) Chairperson Jane Ansah has been denying close links with the Mutharika family, there is new evidence that the two families are as close. President Peter Mutharika’s wife...


Death, they say, comes when we least expect it. When we are in our comfort zones; when we feel it's time to party and make merry; when we feel we have won...

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