UTM Party says its among the political parties that have signed a peace pact to ensure peace before, during and after the Constitutional Court election case ruling on Monday, Centre for Multiparty Democracy (CMD) has also confirmed.
Secretary General of UTM Party, Patricia Kaliati, said she had put her signature to the pact alongside he Malawi Congress Party (MCP), United Democratic Front (UDF), Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), Peoples Party and Alliance for Democracy (Aford).
CMD executive director Kizito Tenthani confirmed that UTM is party to the pact.
It earlier reported that UTM has noe appended its signature to the document, but Kaliati showed Nyasa Times her signed copy.
“We have seen it, signed and its sorted,” said Kaliati.
According to head of CMD, Tethani, the pact ensures that there is peace in the aftermath of the court ruling.
“I expect the political parties to walk the talk, to live by their word,” said Tenthani.
On Monday, Februar 3 2020, after all the political shenanigans and court runs, it is now finally up to the five judges—Healey Potani, Ivy Kamanga, Redson Kapindu, Dingiswayo Madise and Mike Tembo—to throw the joker in their landmark judgement.
And it is double edged knife which will hurt one side, either way. So there will be both mourning and celebration from Monday.
Stakeholders have been preparing the people to brace for anything and accept the ruling honorably and peacefully—if the judgement is against them. And if they are victorious celebrate with dignity.
It is not easy to predict who will carry the day and the closer we head towards the moment of truth, the tenser it is becoming.